In The News
Alzheimer’s Advocate Writes Book Honoring Father: ‘Sharing My Story is a Superpower’
Brandon Burke is in the prime of his life, but Alzheimer’s has gripped his daily existence as he’s assumed the role of caregiver for his father, Gary, who’s been stricken by the disease. Read the article here.
Alzheimer’s Advocate and Caregiver Releases First Book to Honor Dad
The six-year Alzheimer's advocate and caregiver is releasing his first book, Rediscovering Dad & Discovering Myself: A Journey Through the Impact of Alzheimer's. Read the article here.
Brandon Burke, Hero and Advocate for Alzheimer’s Disease
Brandon Burke, author and Alzheimer’s advocate, shares his journey and how the disease changed the course of his life after caring for his father in his new book, “Rediscovering Dad & Discovering Myself: A Journey Through the Impact of Alzheimer’s”. Read the...
Alzheimer’s Advocate and Caregiver Releases First Book to Honor Dad and Provide Support
With both National Alzheimer's Awareness Month and National Family Caregiver Month approaching, Brandon Burke is releasing his first book, Rediscovering Dad & Discovering Myself: A Journey Through the Impact of Alzheimer’s. Read the article here.
Brandon Discusses Impact of COVID-19 on the Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Watch Brandon as he discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted this year's Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's adapts in the age of Covid-19 Video on WJLA TV DC. Click here to watch.
Brandon Talks About Caregiving in Time of Crisis
Read Brandon's take on how the coronavirus pandemic has made caregiving tougher for families with relatives in assisted living facilities, particularly those living with Alzheimer's disease. Read the article here.
Brandon Discusses the Impact of COVID-19 on Alzheimer’s Patients
Watch Brandon discuss how the restrictions of COVID-19 have a greater impact on loved ones in assisted living facilities, particularly Alzheimer's patients. Masks, pandemic makes visiting Alzheimer's patients difficult on families Video on WBAL TV Baltimore. Click...
Brandon Discusses Caring for His Dad Who Has Alzheimer’s
Watch Brandon discuss how he manages work, life, and caring for his dad who has Alzheimer's disease. News4 Your Sunday: Caring For Loved Ones With Alzheimer's Disease Ana Nelson, Vice President of Programs and Services at the Alzheimer’s Association National Capital...